Steak Empire

As we know that millions of food and beverages in this world, i will trying to discover about western food and the coffee deeper. Some of these are from my experience and some are from my frieds. Just enjoy it!
Food is the common and natural goods that all the human needs to continuing lives. Some food are eat raw and some others cooked to make it more nice and tasty. Now i will share something or maybe reviewing some food from western country.


The point of Steak is from its meat. If the great of meat used to make a steak so it must become a great steak, unless if the cook are too much creativity to make it not great anymore. Once again the greatest steak only meet when the great meat used. 

What is a Great "MEAT" ??

Maybe you all asking lot of question about what the great meat is? or what kind of that ? is that from an earth cow or alien cow ? it just A Cow with the healthy foods can make the great meat and of course how we handle that meat after it cut off from the cow. Some people believe that a local meat is not tender than imported meat. In this case, lot of people actually didn't know about the principle to make a normal meat into great one.

There's two basic principle to do : (very important to make a great meat from a Grade E meat)

1. Aeging
 The very common step of processing meat, in all of the slaughter house over the world aeging is the first step to gain more quality if meat. You just need to hang it in an open air about 3-6 hours, it depends on the atmosphere of the room. if you want to make a very great meat you could hang it for 12 hours but the room temperature and cleanliness are very influenced. After you did the first step to make a great meat it just only 20% more way to make a great steak.

2. Cooking 
Now we're about to take on step two, yes. It just the way you cook it, are you a great Cook or you are a Master Chef? or maybe you are just a civilian who have a interest about meat and how it works with it. There is a several way to cook meat to be Steak like a Grilling, Roasting and Pan-Roasting. All the way to cook that i have mentioned is the usual but something you must concern is the temperature when the cooking process is going. At this step you already in a 90% of success to make a greatest steak ever.For more information about the temperature, i can't tell to everyone here because this method only the great chef known.So be the great chef to know this .lol.

 After we did all the process above, now we need to boost-up the taste and appearance to trigger our hunger needs. First we are gonna need a sauce, condiment, and of course a garnish to accomplished. For making a sauce we're going to make a Black Pepper sauce because this sauce is very  suitable to combine with the meat. For the condiment it usually add a fried potato or mashed potato and last for the garnish, we can used a bunch of parsley or rosemary.
 Some mayonnaise is also can be put in side to increase the appetite.
Here is a list of the ingredients to make a great steak ever.
200 gr           Sirloin Beef
200 gr           French Fries
70   gr           Side Dishes
5     gr           Black Pepper
80   ml           Demiglace
10   ml           tomato sauce
10   gr           parsley

After all the ingredients ready in the table now we can start cooking. Here is some procedure you can follow :
Prepare The Sauce
1. Boil some water that already mix with demiglace powder
2. In another pan, you can heat the black pepper
3. Add demiglace liquid into the pan and add a little of tomato sauce
4. keep it warm until the meat already cooked.
The Condiment Process
1. Deep fry the french fries for about 7 - 10 minutes in oil
2. Blanch the side dishes and saute with salt and pepper
The Meat Process
1. Prepare the meat and marinate it with salt and pepper, also a little bit of oil
2. Grill on the top of fire for about 7 minute (if you want to make it well-done) add more 3-5 minute.

All the process to make a good steak was done. Arrange the meat in a plate and the side dishes, pour the sauce in the top of the meat and garnish with a bunch of parsley.